I found this blog frankiespeakingfrankly.blogspot.co.uk . It's written by this woman, Frankie Dolan. Here's her brief bio: I am the founder of MedWorm. Living in the UK. Web developer, mother of two and doctor's wife. Internet activist fighting for human rights, the environment and social justice. Recently drawn to the plight of the medics and the rest of the oppressed people in Bahrain.
Anyway. She had this great post about the letters she wrote urging Alkhawaja to hang on and to not give up. Her letter touched me, as she explained how much she loves him and believes in him.
Ms. Dolan was inspired to write her letters to Alkhawaja after seeing what his daughter, Zainab al-Khawaja (@angryarabia), tweeted out on April 20th, 2012.
Here's the link to her specific blog post: http://frankiespeakingfrankly.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/abdulhadi-alkhawaja-hero-i-love-fight.html
So right now, I want to take a quick look at the other side of Alkhawaja's hunger strike. I want to look at the lives he's touched. Yes, this woman is an internet activist, but the point is that his hunger strike has reached people in Europe, in the US, not just people who live in Bahrain. I don't want to sound preachy or fake, but Alkhawaja has touched my life as well. I pray for him every night. I tweet about him to try and spread his story to others. I don't mean to sound more like a high school student than I already do but this is like my thing now. I mean, not my main "thing", but I am invested in Alkhawaja's story. I don't want him to die.
Abdulhadi Alkhawaja has been injustly prisoned for his part in activism, and he is dying. He's touched the lives of people that have never even met him. Just like Ms. Dolan's blog post has spoken to me about his life more than my own research has, I hope that her posts and my posts and Alkhawaja's story reaches out to everyone and alerts people to the fighting and protests going on in Bahrain right now.
Now, for a slightly different tone.
Abdulhadi Alkhawaja's wife called his hospital room and found out that her husband is no longer in his room. No one seems to know where he is. There are rumors that he's receiving medical care and that's why he's not in his room, but no one can talk to him, no one knows where he is. These are just rumors. We can't confirm or deny them.
But until we get solid evidence that Alkhawaja's alright (remember he's been on hunger strike for 77 days!!), we need to do everything we can for him. Writing letters, informing others, ANYTHING.
We need to be there for Bahrain, and for Alkhawaja. We will not give up. We will stand behind him.
Leslie, signing off...for now.
Also, Ms. Dolan's twitter is @frankiedolan. Follow her.
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